Effective method to Troubleshoot dll File Corruption in Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook is comprised of various application files that incorporate library and DLL (Dynamic Link Library) files. On such file is Outllib.dll. It is a huge segment of Microsoft Outlook and is overseen by the Windows Registry. At the point when this file disappears or gets harmed, Outlook may not beginning and you cannot access information from your PST file. This conduct cause basic information misfortune circumstances and you need PST Recovery to figure out the issue.
At the point when this file gets harmed or does now work appropriately, you may go over the underneath error message:
Viewpoint caused an invalid page issue in module OUTLLIB.DLL at
After this error message, Microsoft Outlook does not open and you cannot access information from it. This conduct may prompt PST file defilement and in the end cause information misfortune. Now, you need to discover the reason for this issue and complete Outlook PST Recovery by figuring it out.
Foundation of the issue
As expressed in above error message and the Event Log, this issue happens because of defilement to either Outllib.dll or Outlook.exe file. Debasement may happen on account of infection disease, application breakdown, inappropriate framework shut down and other such reasons.
There is various procedures or strategies that you could use as investigating techniques to fix this issue. These systems are as examined underneath:
- If your MS Outlook application is introduced in IMO (Internet Mail Only) mode, at that point Outlook would not capacity appropriately until you have total and legitimate establishment of Microsoft Outlook Express. Hence, you need to guarantee that your MS Outlook Express is working fittingly.
- Incompatible or Invalid augmentation data could likewise cause such circumstances. Subsequently, you should take a stab at supplanting the unityplayer.dll download. In the event that you figure out how to begin Outlook appropriately, uncheck the presumed add-ins.
- Try restarting Microsoft Outlook in Safe Mode.
- Create new Outlook profile and PST file. In the event that you are utilizing Outlook in IMO mode, at that point you should made IMO profile.
- Reinstall Microsoft Outlook or complete MS Office Suite. Here you should eliminate application and rename Outllib.dll file and reinstall MS Outlook.
After you do above arrangements, you would discover that the connected error messages has quit happening, and yet you may likewise find that the PST file has harmed and it become totally unusable. The issue may happen during re establishment of MS Outlook or the harmed file influence Outlook library files.
Defilement to the PST file needs Recover PST to be taken care of. This is most ideal utilizing outsider applications, known as PST RecoverySoftware. The applications utilize progressed and amazing checking instruments to complete careful output of the harmed PST file and recover the entirety of the harmed or out of reach information from it.